
Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT, which provides multiple fiber to the home (FTTH) rješenja za ispunjavanje zahtjeva ekonomične i efikasne izgradnje mreže.

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 Product Overview

MA5801-GP08-H3 is a box shaped OLT. It houses integrated control and service module, 1 pluggable fan module and 2 pluggable power modules. Its mounting ears are applicable to IEC specifications and ETSI specifications, and are used in racks or cabinets of different specifications.
With the continuous promotion of new services, such as 4K/VR videos, home networks, and network cloudification, optical fiber access has become an important means for countries around the world to popularize broadband networks. As optical fiber access nodes keep moving closer to end users, OLTs are closer to end use rs. Deployment scenarios are complex and diversified. U ovom slučaju, network needs OLTs with small volume and low density.

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 Product Pictures

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 price and specs

Huawei MA5801-GP08-H3 oltHuawei MA5801-GP08-H3 datasheet

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 Product Specifications

Stavka Value
Dimenzije (Š x D x V) (mm) Isključujući montažne uši: 442 x 220 x 43.6
Uključujući IEC montažne uši: 482.6 x 220 x 43.6
Uključujući ETSI montažne uši: 531 x 220 x 43.6
Maksimalna težina sa punim opterećenjem 5 kg
Način napajanja DC napajanje (dual backup)
AC napajanje (dual backup)
Raspon radnog napona DC napajanje: –38,4 V do –72 V
AC napajanje: 100 V to 240 V
Nazivni napon DC napajanje: –48 V/–60 V
AC napajanje: 110 V/220 V
Maksimalna ulazna struja DC napajanje: 6 A
AC napajanje: 2.5 A
Temperatura okoline –40°C do +65°C
Uređaj se može pokrenuti na najnižoj temperaturi od –25°C.
Vlažnost okoline 5%–95% RH
Atmosferski pritisak 70–106 kPa
Visina < 4000 m. Gustoća zraka varira s visinom i utječe na rasipanje topline uređaja. Stoga, temperatura radnog okruženja uređaja varira s nadmorskom visinom.
Preklopni kapacitet sistema 110 Gbit/s
MAC adrese 32768
Pristupite ONT-u 1024
IPv4 tabela rutiranja 8192
IPv6 tabela rutiranja 4096
ARP tabela 16384
Stopa greške u bitovima (BER) u punom opterećenju Ber manji od 10 e-10 for a port that transmits data in full load
Upstream portovi 4 GE/10GE
Servisni portovi 8 GPON
Specifikacije pouzdanosti sistema Dostupnost sistema za tipičnu konfiguraciju: > 99.999%
Srednje vrijeme između kvarova (MTBF): o 61 godine
Potrošnja energije DC napajanje:
Statička potrošnja energije: 46W
Tipična potrošnja energije: 64W Maximum power consumption: 111W AC napajanje:
Statička potrošnja energije: 47W
Tipična potrošnja energije: 65W
Maksimalna potrošnja energije: 112W

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 Product Features

  • The lightweight OLT weighs less than 5 kg and occupies 1 U installation space. It can be flexibly adapted to various scenarios.
  • Podržava dual ac ili dc napajanje, pružanje fleksibilnog napajanja i visoke pouzdanosti.
  • The matching small outdoor cabinet can be installed on a pole, tower, or wall, facilitating installation and reducing engineering costs.

Huawei SmartAX MA5801-GP08-H3 Product Applications