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Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT providing passive optical LAN (Pol) and multiple fiber to the home (FTTH) rješenja
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Overview
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 is a compact and low-density box-shaped OLT. The product provides GPON access, i podržava pasivni optički LAN (Pol) fiber to the home (FTTH) rješenja. U isto vrijeme, Nosi sve usluge preko jedne mreže vlakana, simplifying network architecture and reducing OPEX. Since it is a box-shaped OLT. It houses integrated control and service module, 1 pluggable fan module and 2 pluggable power modules. Its mounting ears are applicable to IEC specifications and ETSI specifications, and are used in racks or cabinets of different specifications.
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Pictures
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Specifications
Stavka | Opisi |
Brand | Huawei |
Model | EA5801E-GP08-H2 |
Maksimalna težina sa punim opterećenjem | 5 kg |
Način napajanja | l DC power supply (dual backup) |
l AC power supply (dual backup) | |
Raspon radnog napona | l DC power supply: –38,4 V do –72 V |
l AC power supply: 100 V to 240 V | |
Nazivni napon | l DC power supply: –48 V/–60 V |
l AC power supply: 110 V/220 V | |
Maksimalna ulazna struja | l DC power supply: 6 A |
l AC power supply: 2.5 A | |
Temperatura okoline | –40°C do +65°C |
Uređaj se može pokrenuti na najnižoj temperaturi od –25°C. | |
Vlažnost okoline | 5%–95% RH |
Atmosferski pritisak | 70–106 kPa |
Preklopni kapacitet sistema | 110 Gbit/s |
MAC adrese | 32768 |
Pristupite ONT-u | 256 |
IPv4 tabela rutiranja | 8192 |
IPv6 tabela rutiranja | 4096 |
ARP tabela | 16384 |
Stopa greške u bitovima (BER) u punom opterećenju | Ber manji od 10 e-10 for a port that transmits data in full load |
Upstream portovi | 4 GE/10GE |
Servisni portovi | 8 GPON |
Potrošnja energije | DC napajanje: |
Visina | < 4000 m. Gustoća zraka varira s visinom i utječe na rasipanje topline uređaja. Stoga, temperatura radnog okruženja uređaja varira s nadmorskom visinom. |
Dimenzije (Š x D x V) (mm) | Isključujući montažne uši: 442 x 220 x 43.6 |
Uključujući IEC montažne uši: 482.6 x 220 x 43.6 | |
Uključujući ETSI montažne uši: 531 x 220 x 43.6 |
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Features
- Lightweight and small size
The lightweight OLT weighs less than 5 kg and occupies 1 U installation space. It can be flexibly adapted to various scenarios.
- Dual power supplies, visoka pouzdanost
Podržava dual ac ili dc napajanje, pružanje fleksibilnog napajanja i visoke pouzdanosti.
- Easy installation and flexible deployment
The matching small outdoor cabinet can be installed on a pole, tower, or wall, facilitating installation and reducing engineering costs.
Huawei EA5801E-GP08-H2 Product Applications
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