
GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable is Loose sleeve layer stranded ordinary armored optical cable

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Product Overview

The structure of GYTY53 fiber optic cable is to insert a 250μm optical fiber into a loose tube made of high modulus material, and the loose tube is filled with waterproof compound. U centru jezgre je jezgra za jačanje metala, i za neke jezgrene kablove, sloj polietilena (PE) stiska se iz jezgre za jačanje metala. Labava cijev (i konop za punjenje) are twisted around a central reinforcing core to form a compact and round core, a praznine unutar jezgra su ispunjene punjenjem koje blokira vodu. The cable is extruded with a layer of polyethylene inner sheath, and the double-sided plastic-coated steel tape (PSP) je uzdužno umotano, a zatim ekstrudirano u polietilenski omot za formiranje kabla.

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Product Pictures

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable good price ycictGYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Optic fiber cable

GYTY53-20~24Xn price and specsGYTY53-20~24Xn price and specs YCICT

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Product Specifications

Model optičkog kabla (u koracima od 2 vlakna) Broj vlakana Broj kućišta Broj užadi za punjenje Referentna težina kabla
Zatezna sila je dozvoljena
Dozvoljena sila gnječenja
Radijus savijanja
GYTY53-2~6Xn 2~6 1 5 160 1000/3000 1000/3000 12.5D/25D
GYTY53-8~12Xn 8~12 2 4 160
GYTY53-14~18Xn 14~18 3 3 160
GYTY53-20~24Xn 20~24 4 2 160
GYTY53-26~30Xn 26~30 5 1 160
GYTY53-32~36Xn 32~36 6 0 160
GYTY53-38~48Xn 38~48 4 1 174
GYTY53-50~60Xn 50~60 5 0 174
GYTY53-62~72Xn 62~72 6 0 185
GYTY53-74~84Xn 74~84 7 1 214
GYTY53-86~96Xn 86~96 8 0 214
GYTY53-98~108Xn 98~108 9 1 245
GYTY53-110~120Xn 110~120 10 0 245
GYTY53-122~132Xn 122~132 11 1 281
GYTY53-134~144Xn 134~144 12 0 281
GYTY53-146~216Xn 146~216 13~18 5~0 281
Vrsta vlakana slabljenje (+20℃) propusni opseg Numerički otvor blende Talasna dužina preseka optičkog kabla
@850nm @1300nm @1310nm @1550nm @850nm @1300nm
G.652 ≤0,36dB/km ≤0,22dB/km ≤1260nm
G.655 ≤0,40dB/km ≤0,23dB/km ≤1450nm
50/125µm ≤3.0dB/km ≤1.0dB/km ≥500MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.200±0,015 NA
62.5/125µm ≤3.3dB/km ≤1.0dB/km ≥200MHz·km ≥500MHz·km 0.275±0,015 NA

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Product Features

  • It has very good mechanical properties and temperature characteristics
  • The loose tube material itself has good water resistance and high strength
  • The tube is filled with special ointment to protect the optical fiber
  • Specially designed tight optical cable structure to effectively prevent the casing from retracting
  • The PE sheath has good resistance to ultraviolet radiation
  • Good compression resistance, suitable for pipeline or direct buried wiring
  • The following measures are taken to ensure the waterproof performance of the fiber optic cable:
  • Single steel wire center reinforcing core
  • Otpuštena cijev je punjena specijalnom vodootpornom smjesom
  • Fully cable filled
  • Double-sided plastic-coated steel tape (PSP) improves the moisture permeability of fiber optic cables
  • Good water-blocking material to prevent longitudinal water seepage of the optical cable

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Product Applications

  • Laying modes: Direct Buried
  • Long-distance communication, local trunk line, neki & computer networks system
  • Adopted to Outdoor distribution
  • Suitable for aerial duct and buried method

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable and More Optical Cables

Lako oklopljeni kabel (GYXTW)
Nemetalni mikro kabel za unutarnju/vanjsku jedinicu(JET)
Unitube neoklopni kabel (GYXY)
Unitube nemetalni neoklopni kabel (GYFXY)
DVA FRP zračni optički kabel (MOJ ŽIVOT)
Neoklopni neoklopni kabel sa upletenim cijevima (GYTA)
Lako oklopljeni kabel sa upletenim labavim cijevima (GYTS)
Oklopljeni labavi cijevni kabel (GYTY53)
Oklopljeni labavi cijevni kabel (GYTA53)
Nemetalni neoklopni kabel snage (GYFTY)
Nemetalni neoklopni kabel čvrstoće(ZAJEDNO)
Nemetalni oklopni kabel snage (GYFTY53)
Nemetalni oklopni kabel čvrstoće (GYFTA53)
Slika 8 Kabel (GYXTC8S)
Slika 8 Kabl ( GYFTC8S)
Slika 8 Kabel (GYTC8A)
Slika 8 Kabel (GYTC8S)
Svi dielektrični samonosivi vazdušni kabl (ADSS)

GYTY53-20~24Xn Optic Cable Product Structure

GYTY53-8~12Xn Optic Cable structure

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