
Huawei S12700E-8 Switch Features 28800 Mpps Forwarding Performance 38.4 Tbps Switching Capacity 2 MPU স্লট 4 SFU slots 8 Service card slots 4 Fan slots

Huawei S12700E-8 Switch Product Overview

Huawei S12700E-8 Switch is flagship core switches in Huawei’s CloudCampus portfolio.Under building an intelligent campus core, these feature-rich switches can assist customers head towards a service experience-centric campus network that is intelligent and simplified. The switch stands out with massive capacity expansion and flexible service upgrade capabilities to protect customer investments and facilitate their long-term network evolution. Built on Huawei’s high-performance full-programmable chipsets, S12700E delivers 4.8 Tbps of single-slot bandwidth, which can easily scale to 7.2 Tbps simply by upgrading SFUs in the future. S12700E also offers a broad range of line cards, including 100GE, 40জিই, 25জিই, 10জিই, and GE line cards, and provides up to 288 x 100GE ports, the unmatched port density in the industry. These give customers flexible choices to meet their capacity expansion and upgrade needs.
By integrating large-capacity WLAN AC capabilities, a single CloudEngine S12700E can manage up to 10,240 WLAN APs. This capability, combined with free mobility functionality, achieves fully converged wired and wireless networks and policies, greatly simplifying network management with users and services at the core.

Huawei S12700E-8 Switch Product Pictures

Huawei CloudEngine S12700E-8 SwitchHuawei CloudEngine S12700E-8 Switch

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Huawei S12700E-8 Switch Product Specifications

পণ্যের ধরণ CloudEngine S12700E-4 CloudEngine S12700E-8 CloudEngine S12700E-12
ফরোয়ার্ডিং কর্মক্ষমতা 14400 এমপিএস 28800 এমপিএস 43200 এমপিএস
সুইচিং ক্ষমতা 19.2 Tbps 38.4 Tbps 57.6 Tbps
MPU স্লট 2 2 2
SFU slots 2 4 4
Service card slots 4 8 12
Fan slots 2 4 5
Wireless Services Managing up to 10K APs
এপি অ্যাক্সেস নিয়ন্ত্রণ, AP domain management, and AP configuration template management
Radio channel management, unified static configuration, and dynamic centralized management
WLAN basic services, QoS, নিরাপত্তা, এবং ব্যবহারকারী ব্যবস্থাপনা
CAPWAP, tag/terminal location, and spectrum analysis
আইপিসিএ Directly coloring service packets to collect real-time statistics on the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio
Collection of statistics on the number of lost packets and packet loss ratio at network and device levels
সুপার ভার্চুয়াল ফ্যাব্রিক (এসভিএফ) Works as the parent node to vertically virtualize downstream switches and APs as one device for simpler management
A two-layer client architecture supported
Third-party devices allowed between SVF parent and clients
VXLAN VXLAN L2 এবং L3 গেটওয়ে
কেন্দ্রীভূত এবং বিতরণ গেটওয়ে
NETCONF প্রোটোকলের মাধ্যমে কনফিগার করা হয়েছে
ইন্টারঅপারেবিলিটি ভিবিএসটি (PVST/PVST+/RPVST এর সাথে সামঞ্জস্যপূর্ণ)
এলএনপি (DTP অনুরূপ)
ভিসিএমপি (VTP অনুরূপ)

Huawei CloudEngine S12700E-8 Switch Features

Full programmable architecture

The S12700E adopts Huawei’s self-developed Solar series of fully programmable architecture chips. When protocol evolution and technology update require forwarding process changes, customers do not need to replace new hardware, and can be supported by software updates. The service is fast and flexible, and protects customer investment. Traditional ASICs The chip adopts a fixed forwarding architecture and forwarding process. The new service cannot be deployed quickly and needs to wait for 1 প্রতি 3 years of hardware support.

Wired and wireless convergence

The S12700E has built-in AC, no need to purchase additional AC hardware. The whole machine can manage up to 10K APs. The forwarding performance of the whole machine can reach 4T-bit, which solves the bottleneck of external AC processing performance and calmly faces the high-speed wireless era.

System openness

Support Netconf/YANG, users can automatically configure through Netconf/YANG. ওপিএস (ওপেন প্রোগ্রামেবিলিটি সিস্টেম) পাইথন ভাষার উপর ভিত্তি করে একটি ওপেন প্রোগ্রামেবল সিস্টেম. আইটি অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেটররা সুইচের অপারেশন এবং রক্ষণাবেক্ষণ ফাংশন প্রোগ্রাম করতে পাইথন স্ক্রিপ্ট ব্যবহার করতে পারেন, quickly realize functional innovation and realize intelligent operation and maintenance.

Huawei S12700E-8 Switch Product Ordering Info

LE2BN66ED000 N66E DC assembly cabinet (eight 60A outputs, maximum 2200W, 600 × 600 × 2200 মিমি)
LE2BN66EA000 N66E AC assembly cabinet (four 16 A outputs, a maximum of 2500W, 600 × 600 × 2200 মিমি)
ET1BS12704E0 S12700E-4 assembly chassis
ET1BS12708E0 S12700E-8 assembly chassis
ET1BS12712E1 S12700E-12 assembly chassis
FAN-770A-B ফ্যানের বাক্স (-5degC–55degC, 48ভি, 400ডব্লিউ, 2, indoors, VA)
LST7MPUE0000 S12700E Main Processing Unit E
LST7MPUE0001 S12700E Main Processing Unit E
EH1D200CMU00 Centralized Monitoring Unit
LST7SFUEX100 S12700E Switch Fabric Unit E(X1)
LST7SFUHX100 S12700E Switch Fabric Unit H(X1)
LST7SFUMX100 S12700E Switch Fabric Unit M(X1)
LST7C06HX6E0 6-port 100GE QSFP28 interface card (X6E,QSFP28)
LST7C06HX6S0 6-port 100GE QSFP28 interface card (X6S,QSFP28)
LST7C24HX6E0 24-port 100GE QSFP28 interface card (X6E,QSFP28)
LST7C02BX6E0 2-port 100GE QSFP28 interface and 4-port 40GE QSFP28 interface card (X6E,QSFP28)
LST7Y40SX6H0 40-port 25GE SFP28 interface card (X6H,SFP28)
LST7X48SX6E0 48-পোর্ট 10GE SFP+ ইন্টারফেস কার্ড (X6E,SFP+)
LST7X48SX6S0 48-পোর্ট 10GE SFP+ ইন্টারফেস কার্ড (X6S,SFP+)
LST7X24BX6E0 24-port 10GE SFP+ interface and 24-port GE SFP interface card (X6E,SFP+)
LST7X24BX6S0 24-port 10GE SFP+ interface and 24-port GE SFP interface card (X6S,SFP+)
LST7G48SX6E0 48-port GE SFP interface card (X6E,এসএফপি)
LST7G48SX6S0 48-port GE SFP interface card (X6S,এসএফপি)
LST7G48TX5E1 48-port 10/100/1000BASE-T interface card (X5E,RJ45)
LST7G48TX5S1 48-port 10/100/1000BASE-T Interface Card (X5S,RJ45)
W2PSD2200 2200W DC পাওয়ার মডিউল
PAC3KS54-CE 3000W AC পাওয়ার মডিউল (black)
PAC3KS54-NE 3000W AC পাওয়ার মডিউল (black)

Huawei S12700E-8 Switch Product Applications

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