
Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch is the next-generation enhanced all-optical Ethernet switch with 20 x GE SFP-poorte, 4 x 10GE SFP+ poorte, 6 x 40GE QSFP+ ports

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch is the next-generation enhanced all-optical Ethernet switch with 20 x GE SFP-poorte, 4 x 10GE SFP+ poorte, 6 x 40GE QSFP+ ports. The product offers support for native Access Controller (AC), management of up to 1024 Toegangspunte (AP's), with wired and wireless convergence, and provides free mobility, ensuring a consistent user experience, with Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) and network virtualization, so as to meet the requirements of multi-purpose campus networks. A built-in security probe supports abnormal traffic detection, threat analysis of encrypted traffic, and network-wide threat deception. Huawei CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q Switch is an ideal choice to serve in the aggregation or access layer in large- and medium-sized campus networks, in the core layer of small-sized campus networks, or in the access layer of data centers.

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch Product Pictures

Huawei CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q SwitchCloudEngine S5732-H24S6Q Switch

Huawei CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q Switch

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch Product Specifications

Item Beskrywing
Handelsmerk Huawei
Model CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q
Port 44 x GE SFP-poorte, 4 x 10GE SFP+ poorte, 6 x 40GE QSFP+ ports
Geheue (RAM) 4 GB
Gemiddelde tyd tussen mislukkings (MTBF) 56.87 jare
Gemiddelde tyd om te herstel (MTTR) 2 ure
Beskikbaarheid > 0.99999
Gewig (met verpakking) 9.2 kg (20.28 lb)
Stapel poorte Any QSFP+ ports
RTC Ondersteun
Flits 2 GB in totaal. Om die beskikbare flitsgeheuegrootte te sien, voer die vertoonweergawe-opdrag uit.
Stroomtoevoerbeskerming Using AC power modules: ±6 kV in differensiële modus, ±6 kV in gemeenskaplike modus
Using DC power modules: ±2 kV in differensiële modus, ±4 kV in gemeenskaplike modus
Maksimum kragverbruik (100% deurset, volle spoed van ondersteuners) 255 W
Tipiese kragverbruik (30% van verkeerslading, getoets volgens ATIS-standaard) 142 W
Werkstemperatuur -5°C to +45°C (23°F tot 113°F) op 'n hoogte van 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Stoor temperatuur -40°C tot +70°C (-40°F tot +158°F)
Geraas onder normale temperatuur (27°C, klank krag) < 65 dB(A)
Relatiewe humiditeit 5% aan 95%, nie-kondenserend
Bedryfshoogte 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Sertifisering EMC-sertifisering
Veiligheid sertifisering
Vervaardiging sertifisering
Onderdeel nommer 02353AJU
Afmetings (H x B x D) Basiese afmetings (uitgesluit die dele wat uit die liggaam uitsteek): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 420.0 mm (1.72 in. x 17.4 in. x 16.5 in.)
Maksimum afmetings (die diepte is die afstand van poorte op die voorpaneel tot by die handvatsel op die agterpaneel): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 446.0 mm (1.72 in. x 17.4 in. x 17.6 in.)
Gegradeerde spanningsreeks AC-invoer: 100 V AC aan 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Hoëspanning GS-invoer: 240 V DC
DC-invoer: -48 V DC aan -60 V DC
Maksimum spanningsreeks AC-invoer: 90 V AC aan 290 V AC, 45 Hz aan 65 Hz
Hoëspanning GS-invoer: 190 V DC aan 290 V DC
DC-invoer: -38.4 V DC aan -72 V DC

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch Product Features

  • Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch has a built-in high-speed and flexible processor chip. The chip&apos;s flexible packet processing and traffic control capabilities can meet current and future service requirements, helping build a highly scalable network.
  • Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch provides open interfaces and supports user-defined forwarding behavior. Enterprises can use the open interfaces to develop new protocols and functions independently orjointly with equipment vendors to build campus networks meeting their own needs.
  • Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch supports Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol (TWAMP) to accurately check any lP link and obtain the entire network&apos;s IP performance. Hierdie protokol skakel die behoefte uit om 'n toegewyde sonde of 'n eie protokol te gebruik.
  • Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch supports SVF and functions as a parent switch. Met hierdie virtualiseringstegnologie, 'n fisiese netwerk met die “Klein-grootte kern/aggregasie skakelaars + Toegang skakelaars + AP's” struktuur kan gevirtualiseer word in 'n “superswitch”, netwerkbestuur aansienlik vereenvoudig.

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch and More Models

CloudEngine S5732-H24S6Q
CloudEngine S5732-H24UM2CC
CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q
CloudEngine S5732-H48UM2CC
CloudEngine S5732-H48XUM2CC

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch Ordering Info

CloudEngine S5732-H24S6Q CloudEngine S5732-H24S6Q (20 x GE SFP-poorte, 4 x 10GE SFP+ poorte, 6 x 40GE QSFP+ ports, sonder kragmodule)
CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q CloudEngine S5732-H48S6Q (44 x GE SFP-poorte, 4 x 10GE SFP+ poorte, 6 x 40GE QSFP+ ports, sonder kragmodule)
PAC600S12-CB 600W AC-kragmodule
PDC1000S12-DB 1000W DC krag module
FAN-031A-B Fan module
L-1AP-S57 S57 Series, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-1AP
N1-S57H-M-Lic S57XX-H Series Basic SW,Per Toestel
N1-S57H-M-SnS1Y S57XX-H Series Basic SW,SnS,Per Toestel,1Jaar
N1-S57H-F-Lic N1-Wolkkampus,Stigting,S57XX-H Series,Per Toestel
N1-S57H-F-SnS1Y N1-Wolkkampus,Stigting,S57XX-H Series,SnS,Per Toestel,1Jaar
N1-S57H-A-Lic N1-Wolkkampus,Gevorderd,S57XX-H Series,Per Toestel
N1-S57H-A-SnS1Y N1-Wolkkampus,Gevorderd,S57XX-H Series,SnS,Per Toestel,1Jaar
N1-S57H-FToA-Lic N1-Opgradering-stigting na Gevorderd,S57XX-H,Per Toestel
N1-S57H-FToA-SnS1Y N1-Opgradering-stigting na Gevorderd,S57XX-H,SnS,Per Toestel,1Jaar

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q Switch Applications

Huawei S5732-H48S6Q application